Seismic wants to give a BIG “Shout Out!” to Kevin Clancy from Waco Longboards, Blake Yowell from Gnarly’s, and the rest of gang from Skate254 for creating the 1st Annual 254Gnarathon in Waco, TX. This event will be held Sunday, June 26th at 9am. Fellow Texans, get out there and support these guys!!!!

Waco Longboard Club presents 254-Gnarathon 2011
On this year 2011 Edition of the 254-Gnarathon over 50 of Texas’ sick riders came out to race and shred it up. Organized By Waco Longboard Club.
Here is a video on how the event went down:
1st Kris Cox
2nd Dustin Dixon
3rd Zack Soliz
4th Nick Hayes
5th Brian Belcher
6th Eric Douglas